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Junxiang Yang is an Assistant Professor (Leader) at PF_CFD Team. Detailed introduction of Prof. Yang can refer to the Homepage.
In process.
In process.
In process.
In Process.
Published in , 2020
Publications in 2018-2020 are listed in this section.
Published in , 2021
Publications in 2021 are listed in this section.
Published in , 2022
Publications in 2022 are listed in this section.
Published in , 2023
Publications in 2023 are listed in this section.
This is a simple Lattice Boltzmann solver for fluid flow with heat transfer (natural convection). The MATLAB codes are pasted here.
This is an explicit finite difference solver for a phase-field model of image segmentation. The MATLAB codes are pasted here.
This is a totally explicit solver for phase-field dendritic growth model. The spatial discretization is performed based on finite difference method. The MATLAB codes are pasted here.
This is a mass-conserved Fourier spectral solver for phase-field crystal model with FCC ordering structure. Third-order Runge-Kutta scheme is used to update solution. The MATLAB codes are pasted here.
This is a simple projection solver for 2D Navier-Stokes equations. The finite difference method is used for spatial discretization. The lid-driven cavity flow is simulated. The MATLAB codes are pasted here.
This is a simple Lattice Boltzmann solver for 2D fluid flow passing through solid obstacles. The MATLAB codes are pasted here.
This is a simple Lattice Boltzmann solver for 2D Cahn-Hilliard equation. The MATLAB codes are pasted here.
This is a simple and practical solver (Fourier spectral method) for 2D Cahn-Hilliard equation with periodic boundary conditions. The MATLAB codes are pasted here.
This is a finite difference Immersed Boundary Method (IBM) code for simulating 2D flow passing through a cylinder. The C and MATLAB codes are pasted here.
This is a Fourier spectral solver for Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) model. The MATLAB codes are pasted here.
This is a simple Lattice Boltzmann solver (D2Q9) for simulating binary phase-field surfactant dynamics. The MATLAB codes are pasted here.
This is a numerical method for the generation of Quasi-crystal pattern. The Fourier spectral method is used to implement spatial discretization. The time-marching scheme is designed based on a linear and unconditionally energy-stable Runge-Kutta convex splitting method. The MATLAB codes are pasted here.
This is a simple two-phase incompressible and immiscible fluid solver based on immersed boundary method (IBM). FFT is used to solve the Navier-Stokes equations. The MATLAB codes are pasted here.
Undergraduate course, MUST, 2023
This is a core course for undergraduate students (level 2).
Undergraduate course, MUST, 2023
This is a core course for undergraduate students (level 2).